Professor Auxiliar
+351 253601383 , +351 253604584
Office 2.34

Personal webpage
Cristina Amado CV

Areas of interest
Time-series analysis, nonlinear modelling and mathematical statistics.

Cristina Amado

PhD Economic Statistics (Stockholm School of Economics)

Cristina Amado is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics at the University of Minho, Portugal, and an international research fellow at CREATES, Aarhus University. She holds a PhD in Economic Statistics from the Stockholm School of Economics with a thesis entitled "Four essays on the econometric modelling of volatility and durations" since 2009. She is also a research member at the Economic Policies Research Centre (NIPE). Her main research interests lie within the fields of time-series analysis, nonlinear modelling and mathematical statistics.

Selected publications

  • Martins, S. C.-, & Amado, C. (2025). Modelling Dynamic Interdependence in Nonstationary Variances with an Application to Carbon Markets. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 173(105062). DOI
  • Campos-Martins, S., & Amado, C. (2022). Financial market linkages and the sovereign debt crisis. Journal of International Money and Finance, 123. DOI
  • Amado, C., & Teräsvirta, T. (2017). Specification and Testing of Multiplicative Time-Varying GARCH Models with Applications. Econometric Reviews, 36(4), 421–446. DOI
  • Amado, C., & Teräsvirta, T. (2014). Conditional correlation models of autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity with nonstationary GARCH equations. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 32(1), 69–87. RepositoriUM DOI
  • Amado, C., & Teräsvirta, T. (2013). Modelling volatility by variance decomposition. Journal of Econometrics, 175(2), 142–153. RepositoriUM DOI
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